FAQ Saturday - 02/08/2025
Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have more than one website?
You can use the same sponsor account on as many sites as you like! You DO NOT need, and are not permitted to use multiple accounts to place our banners on multiple sites. All you have to do is copy and paste the same banner code into your other pages, making sure not to alter the code in any way.

How do I check my stats?
Click on the "Stats" button.

How come I can't see any stats yet?
Our program will not show any stats unless you have had at least one individual click on a banner which is linked, with your linking code, for that particular day. Today's Stats are updated every 15 minutes, so you may need to wait a bit, for instance if you clicked through on the banner yourself as a test.

What are CCBill.com's pay periods?
The CCBill.com pay period runs from Sunday through Saturday, with checks going out not the following Monday, but the Monday after that - a 9-day time delay.

Where are the banners?
Banners can be found in the "Marketing Tools" section. Find the banner you want and in your browser right-click on it and select 'Save As..'. Save the banner to your hard drive and then upload it to your server

Can I have multiple accounts?
No. Only one account is allowed per person or organization. Persons or organizations found with multiple accounts risk losing any monies owing.

How do I know you will pay?
Thaichix-Cash.com uses CCBill as their processing company. What this means is that a third party company handles all financial transactions. They cut our checks and yours, so we are truly partners. CCBill has a great reputation for being honest and delivering checks on-time, every time.

What is printed on the checks and envelopes?
Checks will have system design, or other discreet company names, which cannot be connected to the adult industry.

How much do I have to earn before a payment to me is made?
Minimum payment for checks is $25

How do you track sales?
All surfers are tracked by two methods. The first method is via a cookie that is set by our referral scripts. When a surfer hits our initial scripts upon leaving a referrer's site a cookie is set. The surfers IP and the current timestamp are also logged to do a check against in the case the cookie is not accepted.

Who is reponsible for the payment?
Commissions due and owing to you under the Program will be paid to you directly by CCBill. Accordingly, the policies of CCBill regarding the timing of payments, processing fee deductions and chargebacks and related billing matters shall control. Please visit ccbill.com for that information.

When will I recieve my check?
Checks are mailed out to partners once a week on Wednesdays. The pay periods are from Monday thru Sunday of each week. There is also a one-week delay in sending partner checks to them. There is a minimum check amount before a partner will receive a check. The partners will receive a check once their total equals or exceeds the $25.00.

How does this partnership work?
We will pay you a commission equal to sixty percent (60%) of the revenue actually received by us (after processing fees) from customers who come to us from your Links (the "Commission Rate"). Net Income in a given monthly reporting period may be reduced for credit card chargebacks or credit backs resulting from prior months' activities. The tracking and payment of Commissions under the Program is handled by CCBill. Accordingly, the terms and conditions of CCBill regarding such matters shall govern, and shall control over any inconsistent provisions hereof. Please visit this link for that information ccbill.com.

In what currency will I get paid
All funds are paid by check in U.S. funds.

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