Signup Tuesday - 10/22/2024
Terms and Conditions

You are free to generate traffic by any method that is not in violation of the terms herein.

Spamming is strictly prohibited. This includes e-mail spamming ( direct or indirect ), posting in newsgroups, IRC, ICQ & chatboards. If you violate this term of our agreement you will be terminated from the program and will not be paid.

The action of sending any hits from any URLs which contain and/or promote the following content, Warez, Passwords, MP3, Bestiality, Rape, lolita, Child Pornography, any acts of violence, or any illegal activity. This includes meta tags, text, links, graphic(s) or any HTML. Will result in the immediate cancellation of the account from which the hits were sent and the forfeiture of any funds owed that account. will not be held responsible for loss due to downtimes resulting from complications with your hosting equipment or technical errors.

We reserve the right to cancel this program at any time, without prior notification. In such cases you will be notified immediately and paid for ALL accumulated funds up to that point in time, except in cases where it is determined you have cheated by violating this agreement in any way you will not be paid! reserves the right to terminate your account if it is idle for more than a month. In such cases you will be notified in advance.

We reserve the right to deny any prospective sponsor admittance into our program for any reason, based on the content of their website or for any other reason.

Hits or signups generated as a requirement to enter or obtain access to goods or services on your (or someone else's) web site. Will result in your account being terminated without pay.

Any individual found to be in violation of 3rd party copyright, trademark, patent or any other intellectual property right violation or infringement. Will result in your account being terminated without pay.

Any webmaster found to have cheated or defrauded any other sponsor. Will result in your account being terminated without pay.

It is your responsibility to refer to this document from time to time so that you may be informed of any changes to the Terms and Conditions.

We reserve the right to change the payout rate with a 3 day notice.

You may NOT use pictures from our tour pages or our members area to advertise our site without our written approval.

It is forbidden to download and use the content found in our 'TGP galleries' and / or 'Picture Of The Day' in order to make your own galleries and / or free sites.

I agree to the conditions outlined in the Terms of Service Agreement

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